Small Town Pride

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Smiling People Small Town Pride Malone

Small Town Pride
Malone, NY

Logo Small Town Pride Small Town Pride first formed in May 2021 when Tara’s son asked to hold a Pride event in his town Malone, NY. His vision was to bring love and inclusivity to his small town. He wanted to let people know that even in their tiny town you can be who you are unapologetically. This idea grew very quickly and resulted in bringing in more like-minded individuals to help organize.

Small Town Pride held their first Pride Festival in Malone, NY, in 2021. Two years later, Pride was joined by their first drag show the night before their Pride event in 2023.

Small Town Pride merged with Adirondack North Country Gender Alliance in 2022. Since then, Small Town Pride, in collaboration with ANCGA, hosts multiple events each year and continues to grow with each event. They continue to serve the LGBTQIA+ Community through this very special group.

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Reach Out to
Small Town Pride

Connect directly with Small Town Pride. If you would like to get in touch with the leadership of Adirondack North Country Gender Alliance, please go to the general Contact Us page.